Sunday, January 4, 2009

hey one and all!!

Happy 2009!!

Ok im not gonna bore everyone out of their brains by talking about bnew beginnings and all that.... i already do tht on a yearly basis.... im jus gonna start of the year with my favourite saying by far... an expert from the kung fu panda(now hows that for a place of inspiration:))

"Yesterdays history, Tomorrows a mystery. But today is a gift.
Thats why its called the PRESENT."
See as human beings. we tend to always worry about the furture and about whts gonna happen next. We always say that we've gotta plan for our future and we become so obssessed with our future their we forget our current present is our future.

God works in mysterious ways. He's made an object called time. and object which never stops functioning. which continues moving. and which bever looks back.

A good friend of mine once said "live your life to the max" and he did. He died earlier in the year of 2008. He was only 16.

I'm not gonna start this year of with a grim note. Nor am i gonna start this year of with the notion of deaths in the midst. But we have to realise its there. Every breath we take is one step closer to it.

So while we still have air in our lungs. And while we still have the ability to live. Lets make every moment count. Every moment should be our new year. Every second should be a second we cherish. Every day should be a day of resolutions.

and every night before we sleep, we should sleep with contentment and with the thankfulness that gods given us another day to live it.

so me being virtuous and advisory is all about up. Now its back to the crazy person we all know and love.

special thanks to my insane half jiwan for kicking my arse into writing a new post. CONGRATUALTIONS to you, pevin, sharan and all my other PMR friends on the wonderful results!!

Happy New year to u all!! i will be posting new stuff as soon as i get my chance to. Which should be really soon seeing as that i'll probably have nothing to do.

hugs and kisses

without wax,

1 comment:

Hargobind Khalsa said...

(with an irish accent which he does so well) about bloody time if you ask me luv. been waiting for bloody new material...